What's it about?
Learn about the fundamental principles of nutrition for weight loss, muscle growth, health and performance.
This fully referenced, scientifically driven course uses the latest evidence on nutrition to help inform better practice.
Written by Dr Paul Rimmer of Nexus Performance Analysis, performance and nutrition consultant.
Who's it for?
This course is best suited for those who have a basic knowledge of nutrition or who are well read on the subject . This is a perfect 'knowledge upgrade' for personal trainers and coaches. Going in to more depth and more science than would be taught on other trainer qualifications.
What's included?
With a total of over 15 hours of video lectures, full audio transcripts and course references that are downloadable for further reading, this is not only a detailed practical nutrition course but also one that is great value for money... providing expert knowledge at only a fraction of the cost of other online nutrition and education resources.